This is about Christ, Christianity and the Word of God which reproves, corrects and instruct in the Ways of God.

Monthly Archives: December 2016

Clip from our vigil of December 17 with a former Muslim cleric, Pastor Solomon Haruna Umar, ministering.

Over two thousand years ago, a virgin gave birth to a baby boy; something that has never happened nor ever will again. 

Shepherds came to see the Child, to worship the Child and to spread the good news that the long awaited Child has been born.

Wise men, Sages, led by a Star, came from the East to pay homage and acknowledge by submission, that this IS the prophesied Messiah and Saviour of the world. They gave Him Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh; representing wealth, worship and power.

His name is Jesus!

And because He lives, we can face tomorrow.

Merry Xmas everyone!



To the glory of God the year is coming to an end and we thank Him and celebrate His protection and provision to us. 

The year of our Lord is equally coming to an end. Are we prepared? 

Let’s not be caught in the euphoria of celebration that we forget to “examine” ourselves (2 Cor. 13:5), knowing He would come in like a thief in the night!

How has your walk with the Lord been from January till now? Have you really grown in th things of God? What was the hindrance to your growth?

Take a while, … and ponder.

Would you be there when the Trumpets begin to sound (Lev. 23:24; 1 Thess.. 4:16), ushering the saints through the open door and the angelic guards of honour, to meet with Him? 

Would you be there?

AD is rounding off!!!